Daniele Rossi conferma l’operatività dei porti

dazi assoporti
ROMA - Daniele Rossi, presidente di Assoporti, conferma l’operatività dei porti italiani durante l’emergenza Covid-19. A tale scopo ha inviato una lettera alle associazioni europee e internazionali. A seguire il testo in lingua inglese. To the kind attention of the Port and Shipping Associations ”To whom it may concern, With this letter, we wish to underline that Italian Ports are fully operational and that they ensure the safety of cargo and crew members. All restrictions enforced by the Italian Government are referred only to the Cruise sector. In complete compliance with the measures adopted by the Italian Government, having the primary objective of protecting public health due to the current medical emergency, the Italian Port Association wishes to clarify that operations in ports are carried out with adequate measures. Ports are, therefore, fully operational with all their regular services guaranteeing complete functionality of all those offices dedicated to contro...
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